
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have repeatedly seen that the parent journey parallels the Racer one.  The last few months on the Race, it seems that restlessness is the common theme for both parents and Racers.  Parents often find God stirring in their hearts a desire for more of himself. What that looks like is different for each parent, just as each Racers journey looks differently. 

Racers, on the other hand, are feeling the restlessness of being near the end of their race. They are trying to stay present where they are, while feeling the looming return and all the decisions that accompany it.  Some of them are not sure of their next steps, and some come back and fall right back into their jobs or school. For them, restlessness comes with self-induced pressure to “figure out life.”  

Navigating the restlessness is an important part of the journey.  Allowing the Racers to find their way is easier than it might have been at the beginning of the Race, before you learned to let them go. Being a supportive parent, without stepping into their decision making process, may be a new role for you. You are more of a cheerleader on the sidelines now and that leaves you with some time to address your own restlessness.  We have seen over and over again, when parents feel the stirring in their hearts, God is on the move and has something more for them.  You have heard testimonies of parents who have gone from watching their Racers to becoming involved in ministry themselves.  All it takes is facing the restlessness and asking God what he wants to do with you, and praying for him to show you the steps he wants you to take, be they local, or global.  This part of the kingdom journey is the most exciting part for parents, because they are inspired to step out on their own…beyond just letting their Racer go. 

Adventures has many places parents can be involved as they begin to ask God what he has for them.  There are places to dip your toe in the water so to speak, and try volunteering for something a bit out of your comfort zone.  Or you can look around your own community and see what he has there.  The sky is the limit!  We love to hear stories of parents who find a new energy and call from watching their Racers step out in faith.  It’s like those children of ours infuse us with courage to do what they did, in some way or another.  If they can do it, so can we.  Let the restlessness be your guide and say yes to the little things God brings your way, because those lead to the bigger things. 

Here is a link to a volunteer survey we use to connect with parents who are interested in serving.  If there is nothing on this that feels like a fit, give us a call.  We would love to walk along side you as you figure out God’s next steps for your own journey. 

Volunteer Interest Form